Can LS Membership Help You Face Your Legal Battle?
Are you facing a lawsuit without an attorney and need legal help in a hurry? Or maybe you've been wronged by another party and want to file a claim against them (and seek money damages) — but are not sure what steps to take.
Self-Represented Parties
Representing yourself in a lawsuit is an option that more and more people are being forced into due to the substantial costs of hiring an attorney. If you want to learn as much as you can about the legal process before you go to trial, LS Membership might be the right option for you.
But membership isn't only for parties representing themselves in legal matters.
If you are an attorney with little (or no) litigation experience, you too can benefit significantly from the practical litigation skills taught in the LS Membership program.
You'll get a crash course in lawsuit basics from pre-trial to verdict with access to:
- All of our 11 core video litigation tutorials;
- PDF guides and sample court documents; and
- Exclusive bonus videos not available elsewhere.
Read on to learn everything included in your membership.
Legal Seagull's Core HD Video Litigation Tutorials
Litigation attorneys Neer Lerner and Elliott Malone take you on an engaging video journey, providing commentary, insights, and instruction on everything from pre-trial settlements to closing arguments at trial. Plus, the lessons are woven together around a fictitious lawsuit, Patterson v. Don's Moving Company. In the case, Patterson represents himself at court hearings, locates and obtains evidence and supporting testimony, conducts depositions, and takes his case to trial before a jury.
Here is a list of the 11 video litigation tutorials included in your LS Membership that you can stream unlimited during the term of your membership:
Preparing, Filing, and Serving a Lawsuit ($27)
In this tutorial, you'll learn essential concepts that can significantly impact your case, like evaluating your claims, preparing a well-organized and coherent complaint, and planning to meet your burden of proof. Plus, you'll go through a sample complaint line by line so you can understand the various parts to help you skillfully draft your own. Learn more.

Getting Sued: How to Respond to a Lawsuit ($27)
If you are being sued, you need to begin mounting your defense immediately — well before you go to trial. In this tutorial, you'll learn ways to answer or challenge your opponent's complaint, plan your defense adequately, and craft a response to the lawsuit. Learn more.

Writing a Pre-Lawsuit Demand Letter ($17)
The best route in any lawsuit is to avoid it altogether with a settlement. A persuasive demand letter can help you achieve this goal, saving you time and money. You'll learn tips and strategies for creating an effective, compelling, and professional demand letter that can help you successfully resolve your legal dispute without a lawsuit. Includes PDF guide and sample letter (see below). Learn more.

Depositions 101: Techniques and Strategies ($37)
This deposition tutorial contains crucial techniques that can equip you to navigate the litigation discovery process with competence and confidence. You'll learn to handle and use depositions to help you uncover useful testimony (and other evidence), avoid damaging errors, and establish a rock-solid foundation for your case. Learn more.

Courtroom Introduction: Etiquette, Procedure, and "Who's Who?" ($27)
You cannot take courtroom etiquette lightly if you want to have your best chance in court. In this tutorial, you'll become acquainted with the inside of a courtroom and with customary court procedures. Plus, you'll learn how to interact with courtroom players and avoid common mistakes so you can have your best chance of prevailing in your case. Learn more.

Introduction to Evidence Law ($37)
If you want to build a persuasive case to present to the judge or jury — and get your essential evidence admitted at trial — you must understand the basics of evidence law. With the tools in this tutorial, you will take a strong step toward introducing the evidence you need to establish and support your claims or defenses in a lawsuit. Learn more.

Trial Objections 101: Making and Responding to Objections ($27)
This tutorial can prepare you to anticipate potential evidence issues, state objections appropriately, and mitigate potentially damaging testimony and evidence introduced by your opponent. You will learn to be an effective courtroom advocate with a foundational understanding of how objections work at trial. Learn more.

Motions: Practice and Procedure ($27)
If you are involved in a lawsuit, you must understand motions. This tutorial will equip you to know how motions work and how crucial they are to propel your lawsuit forward (they are called "motions" for a reason). Plus, you'll learn strategies and other tips on writing persuasive motions that will help you achieve the specific goals you set for your case. Learn more.

Settling the Case: Negotiating and Drafting Settlement Agreements ($27)
This tutorial is as vital to your case as the section on demand letters. If you can settle your case outside of court with a satisfactory result — you should. Settlements save time, money, and hassle. Plus, you may end up with the same outcome you'd get at trial — or better. You'll learn essential negotiation skills and tips to help protect you while you work towards an agreement with your opponent. Learn more.

Written Discovery: Investigating and Proving Claims and Defenses ($37)
The discovery process is the heartbeat of a successful lawsuit. It's how you obtain evidence to support your claims or defenses at trial — and avoid or minimize surprises or “ambushes” by your opponent. Don't leave the discovery process to chance. This tutorial will provide you with actionable steps to support your lawsuit with the facts, testimony, and documents you'll need to prove your case. Learn more.

Trial Essentials ($37)
This tutorial pulls everything together into the grand climax of the trial process — from jury selection through verdict. You'll see the professional actors who have been playing parts in the fictitious courtroom drama Patterson v. Don's Moving Company go to trial. Throughout the jury trial, Lerner and Malone provide critical commentary so you can prepare for your own day in court with confidence and competence. Learn more.

PDF Guides and Sample Documents to Instruct and Inspire You
The following corresponding PDF guides and sample litigation documents will be available to view online alongside the video litigation tutorials.
- How to Write a Great Demand Letter
- Fundamentals of Trial Objections
- Sample complaint
- 2 sample answers
- Sample demand letter
- Sample deposition notices
- 3 sample motions (motion to dismiss, motion to compel discovery, and motion in limine to exclude evidence)
- Sample settlement agreement
- Sample offer of judgment
- 9 sample discovery requests (different types of requests and responses)
- 8 sample trial documents (from trial brief through verdict form)
The Following BONUS Material (Only Available with Membership)
In addition to everything mentioned above, you will also have access to nine bonus videos that further explain the material covered or present supplementary information not previously discussed.
You'll receive bonus video instruction on:
- Waivers and releases of liability
- Arbitration clauses
- Small claims court
- Early lawsuit vocabulary
- Statute of frauds
- Statutes of limitations
Plus, videos that provide further instruction on depositions, motions, and examination techniques and strategies.
What Is Your Day in Court Worth?
Depending on the amount at stake in your lawsuit — or the strength of your claims and defenses — gaining the skills to represent yourself in court (or invest in your career if you are a rising attorney) — may have differing values.
If you had to hire an attorney to handle your case, you'd probably pay somewhere between $150-$400 an hour (or more). And you would likely incur bills at every step along the way: filing necessary court documents, evaluating the evidence, negotiating a settlement, and making and responding to motions. And if the case goes to trial — attorney's fees would likely increase significantly.
You could end up spending thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars (or more) in your lawsuit.
At Legal Seagull, we know that not everyone can afford the steep costs of hiring an attorney — even though you'd gladly pay for their services if you could. That's why we collaborated to create relatable, real-to-life, video-driven litigation tutorials. We wanted to help level the playing field — and make the legal system accessible to everyone, regardless of education level or litigation experience. Learn more about our foundations here.
We aim to make access to the legal system affordable for everyone — which is why we have priced our individual tutorials in the $17 to $37 dollar range.
Knowing that each course stands on its own merits — but also recognizing that in combination they are more beneficial — we wondered how we could make ALL the tutorials available for one price — and still keep it affordable.
That's when we came up with our monthly membership plan. LS Membership gives you access to everything mentioned above for one low monthly price.
Here's a side-by-side view comparing our membership option with the option to purchase the videos individually — so you can decide which works best for you.
LS Membership vs. Individual Tutorials
Membership | Individual |
Access to all the litigation tutorials for one low monthly price. |
Access to the individual tutorial you purchased to help you with one stage of your lawsuit. |
Stream or view ALL the videos, PDFs (and bonus material) during your membership. |
Stream or download the individual tutorial and accompanying materials. |
Use it for 1 month, 2 months, 6 months (or however long you need). |
You own the individual tutorial and can view it whenever you need. |
Access to all the bonus material. |
No bonus material. |
Perfect if you want access to all the material without buying each product separately. |
Ideal if you want to have access to a product for life. |
$37 per month for access to all the material. |
$17-$37 per tutorial. |
Let's sum it up.
With membership, you get access to all the video litigation tutorials, PDF guides and documents, and bonus material that can help you:
- Handle your case competently (and avoid or minimize embarrassing or harmful mistakes);
- File lawsuits, motions, answers, and other legal documents you will need throughout the lawsuit process;
- Demand and obtain the evidence you need (through depositions and written discovery) to prove your claims or defenses so that you have a chance of prevailing against even a seasoned attorney; and
- Take your case through trial from jury selection to verdict — or even better — settle your case before going to court to save money and time.
All this is yours for only $37 a month.
How We Can Make It Affordable
You might be wondering how we could afford to offer LS Membership at such a low price — the same price as a single litigation tutorial.
Here's how we were able to do it. When you purchase an individual tutorial, you get to download the video and PDF documents and keep them for life. That doesn't necessarily mean you will NEED them for life — but you will have access to them. And we recognized that there are probably a few people out there (not you of course) who might try to steal, sell, or share the tutorials in an unlawful manner — which would incur costs for us if we needed to pursue litigation.
On the other hand, if we offered the membership material for streaming use only, we could avoid most of those hassles and costs. By restricting members from downloading the content, we could pass along the savings to them.
That way, members could have access to all the video tutorials, guides, and materials — for the duration of time that they are helpful and needed.
We felt like $37 a month was a fair price for everyone. Some people may only need membership for one month to learn everything they need to handle their legal issues. Others might need membership for several months or a year to master the material.
With membership, you can view the tutorials and supplementary material as long (and as often) as you need. Month to month ($37/mo.). Three months ($33/mo.). Six months ($30/mo.). Or a year ($19/mo). However long it takes you to make it through your trial.
Plus, there is no commitment. You may cancel at any time. Just do so at least one day before your next billing cycle.
Are You Prepared to Face Your Legal Battle?
Taking on a legal matter may seem daunting — especially if you are representing yourself in court. But don't let that frighten you from taking the necessary steps to protect yourself and prepare yourself for trial.
Here's a little secret:
Many attorneys pass their bar exam without ever learning the bulk of practical litigation knowledge and insights taught in the LS Membership materials — which may be why more and more attorneys are coming to Legal Seagull to learn practical litigation skills.
Each of our video litigation tutorials is useful and helpful by itself — but when watched and studied together — viewers can gain practical litigation insights and skills that are often not even sufficiently taught in law schools.
And if you've already passed the bar — you can walk into your first court hearing or jury trial with the confidence of a seasoned attorney.
With membership, you'll have access to the tools you need to competently represent yourself (or your client) in court — in a fun learning environment powered by HD video — and under the guidance of experienced litigation attorneys.
Put in your fair share of study — and you can digest and internalize the material and become the best advocate in your (or your client's) lawsuit — before you ever step foot in court.
One thing is sure. If you are involved in a legal battle, you will face challenges. Why not face them prepared?
Gain access to your LS Membership now.